How the Readiness Model Prepares Students for Their Future 

Our Readiness Model prepares students for their future by challenging them at their readiness level, boosting their confidence so they become lifelong learners. We are proud to share the following data, which shows the Readiness Model in action.

23-24 school year data based on DIBELS national comparisons:

1st graders: 

  • 22% began the year at benchmark (August 2023) and but by end of year (May 2024) moved to 56% now above benchmark
  • 32% began at strategic support level, but by end of year had moved down to 9.

2nd graders:

  • 33% began above benchmark (August 2023) but that grew to 39% by May 2024
  • Intensive support decreased from 16% down to 6% by May 2024.

3rd graders:

  • Started in May with 38% above benchmark, but by May, that climbed to 23-2459%
  • Those needing intensive support decreased from 8% down to 3% by May.

4th graders:

  • Started in August with 15% above benchmark, but by May it was 44%
  • Those needing intensive support went from 23% down to 13%.

5th graders:

  • Started with 11% in August above benchmark, but by May it was 35%.
  • Those in the strategic support area went from 14% down to 6%.

6th graders:

  • We started the year with only 2% of 6th graders above the national benchmark (big influx of new kids here) but we ended the year with 31%.
  • Those needing strategic support shrunk from 36% down to 14%

7th grade:

  • We went from 38% above national benchmark (August) to 50% by May of 2024.
  • 21% in the strategic support area went down to 18%

8th graders:

  • 34% above benchmark grew to 38% by May
  • Intensive support percentage went from 29% down to 16th


What is Readiness? 

Traditional schooling assumes every child learns exactly the same way and at the same pace. That’s why it’s structured the way it is – a teacher, standing at the front of the classroom, lecturing, while students take notes. And as standardization has swept across our country, the need to teach in this rigid structure to ensure high test scores (for the benefit of the school) has only increased.


What does this mean for students? 

Creativity is stifled….

Collaboration is squashed…

And students who may be developing skills on a varied time table from what is considered “standard” will either feel isolated, or inadequate.


Readiness means your child is known, celebrated, seen, and loved for who they were created to be. 

“Fearfully and wonderfully made…” – Psalms 139:14

Because we believe your child is perfectly and wonderfully made, grade-level curriculum is not the standard that dictates what your child is taught and when. Our teachers instead match the curriculum to your child’s unique readiness level.

This means your child will not feel less-than, better-than, or ashamed of who they are. Instead, they will feel completely secure, confident, and wonderfully made.

How do we accomplish this? 

  • Targeted, small group instruction.
  • Individualized resources to help them learn at their readiness level.
  • Student Instructional Support teachers who support our core teachers by addressing the individual needs of each student.
  • Relationships with you and your student. We get to know who they are.
Casas Christian School